Library Catalogue​ (print and electronic resources)
You can set-up SCGOPHCG Hospital library link in Google Scholar by:
To access the Library resources from home (remote or offsite access):
JBI SUMARI is a software suite to assist users in developing, conducting and reporting on systematic reviews of evidence related to the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of healthcare interventions or professional activities. You can access it through our institutional subscription to the Joanna Briggs Institute EBP. Please register as a New User and watch the JBI SUMARI Tutorial videos for guidance.
SCGOPHCG Hospital library
24 / 7 swipe card access
T:(08) 6457 4143
L: E Block, Level 1, Room 229, Hospital Avenue, Nedlands WA 6009
Department of Research
T: (08) 6457 4531
L: A Block, Level 2, QEII Medical Centre, Hospital Avenue, Nedlands WA 6009
IT assistance
Tel: 13 44 77
7:30am - 5pm (Mon-Fri)
Training request
Research service request
Collection service request
We value your feedback to improve SCGOPHCG library services, website, and collection. We would like to know your views via this short survey. It will take less than 1 minute to complete and will provide us valuable information about the role and impact of library services on your work and research.
Get Started - SCGOPHCG Hospital Library User Survey