Last 2 years of indexed references on leadership.
OECD Recommendation on Public Service Leadership and Capability - OECD - 2019
Senior NHS managers will have skills logged to stop those who fail being “moved on quietly” - BMJ - 7 February 2019
...Kark T, Russell J. A review of the fit and proper persons test. February 2019
...The Kark review: what it means for leadership in the NHS - Healthcare Leader - 8 February 2019
Responses to Francis: changes in board leadership and governance in acute hospitals in England since 2013 - Manchester: University of Manchester Alliance Manchester Business School and the Nuffield Trust - 2018
...Easy guide
Human dimension of health service management - Australian Health Review - 13 November 2017
A productive workplace is built on teamwork and a shared vision - The King's Fund - 8 November 2017
Clinical leadership – moving from good will to good practice - The King's Fund - 31 October 2017
Leading across the health and care system. Lessons from experience - The King's Fund - 9 May 2017
Last 2 years of indexed references on organisational culture.
Kindness, emotions and human relationships: The blind spot in public policy - Carnegie Trust - 2018
NHS safety culture needs radical change, says CQC - BMJ - 19 December 2018
...Opening the door to change. NHS safety culture and the need for transformation - Care Quality Commission - 19 December 2018
Embedding a culture of quality improvement - The King's Fund - 9 November 2017
Clinical leadership – moving from good will to good practice - The King's Fund - 31 October 2017
Leading across the health and care system. Lessons from experience - The King's Fund - 9 May 2017
Five Changes Great Leaders Make to Develop an Improvement Culture - NEJM Catalyst - 27 April 2017
Developing People - Improving Care - NHS Improvement - 1 December 2016
Leadership and management - The King's Fund