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Choosing Wisely: Leadership & Culture


Last 2 years of indexed references on leadership.


Independent Review of the APS: Priorities for Change [includes Strengthen the culture, governance and leadership model] - 19 March 2019

Developing People - Improving Care: short guides. By ensuring everybody working in the system has the skills they need to make improvements every day, and the culture of compassionate and inclusive leadership that enables them to do so, the system will be able to meet the challenges it faces now and in the future - NHS Improvement - 20 February 2019

OECD Recommendation on Public Service Leadership and Capability - OECD - 2019

Senior NHS managers will have skills logged to stop those who fail being “moved on quietly” - BMJ - 7 February 2019
...Kark T, Russell J. A review of the fit and proper persons test. February 2019
...The Kark review: what it means for leadership in the NHS - Healthcare Leader - 8 February 2019

Empowering NHS leaders to lead - Sir Ron Kerr - England. Department of Health and Social Care - 28 November 2018

Responses to Francis: changes in board leadership and governance in acute hospitals in England since 2013 - Manchester: University of Manchester Alliance Manchester Business School and the Nuffield Trust - 2018  
...Easy guide

Human dimension of health service management - Australian Health Review - 13 November 2017

A productive workplace is built on teamwork and a shared vision - The King's Fund - 8 November 2017

Healthy Business? Managerial Education and Management in Healthcare - Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics - September 2017

Clinical leadership – moving from good will to good practice - The King's Fund - 31 October 2017

Leading across the health and care system. Lessons from experience - The King's Fund - 9 May 2017


Last 2 years of indexed references on organisational culture.


Independent Review of the APS: Priorities for Change [includes Strengthen the culture, governance and leadership model] - 19 March 2019

Developing People - Improving Care: short guides. By ensuring everybody working in the system has the skills they need to make improvements every day, and the culture of compassionate and inclusive leadership that enables them to do so, the system will be able to meet the challenges it faces now and in the future - NHS Improvement - 20 February 2019

Kindness, emotions and human relationships: The blind spot in public policy - Carnegie Trust - 2018

NHS safety culture needs radical change, says CQC - BMJ - 19 December 2018
...Opening the door to change. NHS safety culture and the need for transformation - Care Quality Commission - 19 December 2018

A Design Thinking, Systems Approach to Well-Being Within Education and Practice - [US] National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - 2018

Embedding a culture of quality improvement - The King's Fund - 9 November 2017

Clinical leadership – moving from good will to good practice - The King's Fund - 31 October 2017

Leading across the health and care system. Lessons from experience - The King's Fund - 9 May 2017

Caring to change. How compassionate leadership can stimulate innovation in health care - The King's Fund - 4 May 2017

Five Changes Great Leaders Make to Develop an Improvement Culture - NEJM Catalyst - 27 April 2017

Developing People - Improving Care - NHS Improvement - 1 December 2016
Leadership and management - The King's Fund

Lean and leadership practices: development of an initial realist program theory - BMC Health Serv Res -  2015

Books on Leadership